Class: Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot
- Includes:
- CommandContainer
- Defined in:
- lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb
Bot that supports commands and command chains
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#attributes ⇒ Hash
This bot’s attributes.
#prefix ⇒ String, ...
The prefix commands are triggered with.
Attributes included from CommandContainer
Attributes inherited from Bot
#awaits, #event_threads, #gateway, #name, #shard_key, #should_parse_self, #voices
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_channel(channel) ⇒ Object
Add a channel to the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
#arg_check(args, types = nil, server = nil) ⇒ Object
Transforms an array of string arguments based on types array.
- #channels=(channels) ⇒ Object
#command_aliases(name) ⇒ Array<CommandAlias>
Returns all aliases for the command with the given name.
#execute_command(name, event, arguments, chained = false, check_permissions = true) ⇒ String?
Executes a particular command on the bot.
#initialize(**attributes) ⇒ CommandBot
Creates a new CommandBot and logs in to Discord.
#permission?(user, level, server) ⇒ true, false
Check if a user has permission to do something.
#remove_channel(channel) ⇒ Object
Remove a channel from the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
#set_role_permission(id, level) ⇒ Object
Sets the permission level of a role - this applies to all users in the role.
#set_user_permission(id, level) ⇒ Object
Sets the permission level of a user.
#simple_execute(chain, event) ⇒ String?
Executes a command in a simple manner, without command chains or permissions.
#update_channels(channels = []) ⇒ Object
Update the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
Methods included from CommandContainer
#command, #include!, #include_commands, #remove_command
Methods included from RateLimiter
#bucket, #clean, #include_buckets, #rate_limited?
Methods inherited from Bot
#accept_invite, #add_await, #add_await!, #add_thread_member, #bot_application, #competing=, #connected?, #create_oauth_application, #create_server, #debug, #debug=, #delete_application_command, #delete_invite, #dispatch, #dnd, #edit_application_command, #edit_application_command_permissions, #emoji, #find_emoji, #game=, #get_application_command, #get_application_commands, #idle, #ignore_user, #ignored?, #invisible, #invite_url, #join, #join_thread, #leave_thread, #listening=, #log_exception, #mode=, #online, #parse_mention, #parse_mentions, #profile, #prune_empty_groups, #raise_heartbeat_event, #raw_token, #register_application_command, #remove_thread_member, #run, #send_file, #send_message, #send_temporary_message, #servers, #stop, #stream, #suppress_ready_debug, #thread_members, #token, #unignore_user, #update_oauth_application, #update_status, #users, #voice, #voice_connect, #voice_destroy, #watching=
Methods included from Discordrb::Cache
#channel, #ensure_channel, #ensure_server, #ensure_thread_member, #ensure_user, #find_channel, #find_user, #init_cache, #invite, #member, #pm_channel, #request_chunks, #resolve_invite_code, #server, #user, #voice_regions
Methods included from EventContainer
#add_handler, #application_command, #await, #button, #channel_create, #channel_delete, #channel_recipient_add, #channel_recipient_remove, #channel_select, #channel_update, class_from_string, #clear!, #disconnected, event_class, handler_class, #heartbeat, #include_events, #interaction_create, #invite_create, #invite_delete, #member_join, #member_leave, #member_update, #mention, #mentionable_select, #message, #message_delete, #message_edit, #message_update, #modal_submit, #playing, #pm, #presence, #raw, #reaction_add, #reaction_remove, #reaction_remove_all, #ready, #remove_application_command_handler, #remove_handler, #role_select, #server_create, #server_delete, #server_emoji, #server_emoji_create, #server_emoji_delete, #server_emoji_update, #server_role_create, #server_role_delete, #server_role_update, #server_update, #string_select, #typing, #unknown, #user_ban, #user_select, #user_unban, #voice_server_update, #voice_state_update, #webhook_update
Methods included from Events
Constructor Details
#initialize(**attributes) ⇒ CommandBot
Creates a new CommandBot and logs in to Discord.
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 73 def initialize(**attributes) # TODO: This needs to be revisited. undefined attributes are treated # as explicitly passed nils. super( log_mode: attributes[:log_mode], token: attributes[:token], client_id: attributes[:client_id], type: attributes[:type], name: attributes[:name], fancy_log: attributes[:fancy_log], suppress_ready: attributes[:suppress_ready], parse_self: attributes[:parse_self], shard_id: attributes[:shard_id], num_shards: attributes[:num_shards], redact_token: attributes.key?(:redact_token) ? attributes[:redact_token] : true, ignore_bots: attributes[:ignore_bots], compress_mode: attributes[:compress_mode], intents: attributes[:intents] || :all ) @prefix = attributes[:prefix] @attributes = { # Whether advanced functionality such as command chains are enabled advanced_functionality: attributes[:advanced_functionality].nil? ? false : attributes[:advanced_functionality], # The name of the help command (that displays information to other commands). False if none should exist help_command: attributes[:help_command].is_a?(FalseClass) ? nil : (attributes[:help_command] || :help), # The message to display for when a command doesn't exist, %command% to get the command name in question and nil for no message # No default value here because it may not be desired behaviour command_doesnt_exist_message: attributes[:command_doesnt_exist_message], # The message to be displayed when `NoPermission` error is raised. no_permission_message: attributes[:no_permission_message], # Spaces allowed between prefix and command spaces_allowed: attributes[:spaces_allowed].nil? ? false : attributes[:spaces_allowed], # Webhooks allowed to trigger commands webhook_commands: attributes[:webhook_commands].nil? ? true : attributes[:webhook_commands], channels: attributes[:channels] || [], # All of the following need to be one character # String to designate previous result in command chain previous: attributes[:previous] || '~', # Command chain delimiter chain_delimiter: attributes[:chain_delimiter] || '>', # Chain argument delimiter chain_args_delim: attributes[:chain_args_delim] || ':', # Sub-chain starting character sub_chain_start: attributes[:sub_chain_start] || '[', # Sub-chain ending character sub_chain_end: attributes[:sub_chain_end] || ']', # Quoted mode starting character quote_start: attributes[:quote_start] || '"', # Quoted mode ending character quote_end: attributes[:quote_end] || attributes[:quote_start] || '"', # Default block for handling internal exceptions, or a string to respond with rescue: attributes[:rescue] } @permissions = { roles: {}, users: {} } return unless @attributes[:help_command] command(@attributes[:help_command], max_args: 1, description: 'Shows a list of all the commands available or displays help for a specific command.', usage: 'help [command name]') do |event, command_name| if command_name command = @commands[command_name.to_sym] if command.is_a?(CommandAlias) command = command.aliased_command command_name = end return "The command `#{command_name}` does not exist!" unless command desc = command.attributes[:description] || '*No description available*' usage = command.attributes[:usage] parameters = command.attributes[:parameters] result = "**`#{command_name}`**: #{desc}" aliases = command_aliases(command_name.to_sym) unless aliases.empty? result += "\nAliases: " result += { |a| "`#{}`" }.join(', ') end result += "\nUsage: `#{usage}`" if usage if parameters result += "\nAccepted Parameters:\n```" parameters.each { |p| result += "\n#{p}" } result += '```' end result else available_commands = @commands.values.reject do |c| c.is_a?(CommandAlias) || !c.attributes[:help_available] || !required_roles?(event.user, c.attributes[:required_roles]) || !allowed_roles?(event.user, c.attributes[:allowed_roles]) || !(event.user, c.attributes[:required_permissions], end case available_commands.length when 0..5 available_commands.reduce "**List of commands:**\n" do |memo, c| memo + "**`#{}`**: #{c.attributes[:description] || '*No description available*'}\n" end when 5..50 (available_commands.reduce "**List of commands:**\n" do |memo, c| memo + "`#{}`, " end)[0..-3] else"**List of commands:**\n") { |m, e| m + "`#{}`, " }[0..-3]) ? '' : 'Sending list in PM!' end end end end |
Instance Attribute Details
#attributes ⇒ Hash (readonly)
Returns this bot’s attributes.
17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 17 def attributes @attributes end |
#prefix ⇒ String, ... (readonly)
Returns the prefix commands are triggered with.
21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 21 def prefix @prefix end |
Instance Method Details
#add_channel(channel) ⇒ Object
Add a channel to the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
387 388 389 390 391 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 387 def add_channel(channel) return if @attributes[:channels].find { |c| channel.resolve_id == c.resolve_id } @attributes[:channels] << channel end |
#arg_check(args, types = nil, server = nil) ⇒ Object
Transforms an array of string arguments based on types array. For example, ['1', '10..14']
with types [Integer, Range]
would turn into [1, 10..14]
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 253 def arg_check(args, types = nil, server = nil) return args unless types do |arg, i| next arg if types[i].nil? || types[i] == String if types[i] == Integer begin Integer(arg, 10) rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == Float begin Float(arg) rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == Time begin Time.parse arg rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif [TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(types[i]) if arg.casecmp('true').zero? || arg.downcase.start_with?('y') true elsif arg.casecmp('false').zero? || arg.downcase.start_with?('n') false end elsif types[i] == Symbol arg.to_sym elsif types[i] == Encoding begin Encoding.find arg rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == Regexp begin arg rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == Rational begin Rational(arg) rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == Range begin if arg.include? '...'*arg.split('...').map(&:to_i), true) elsif arg.include? '..'*arg.split('..').map(&:to_i)) end rescue ArgumentError nil end elsif types[i] == NilClass nil elsif [Discordrb::User, Discordrb::Role, Discordrb::Emoji].include? types[i] result = parse_mention arg, server result if result.instance_of? types[i] elsif types[i] == Discordrb::Invite resolve_invite_code arg elsif types[i].respond_to?(:from_argument) begin types[i].from_argument arg rescue StandardError nil end else raise ArgumentError, "#{types[i]} doesn't implement from_argument" end end end |
#channels=(channels) ⇒ Object
375 376 377 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 375 def channels=(channels) update_channels(channels) end |
#command_aliases(name) ⇒ Array<CommandAlias>
Returns all aliases for the command with the given name
198 199 200 201 202 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 198 def command_aliases(name) do |command| command.is_a?(CommandAlias) && == name end end |
#execute_command(name, event, arguments, chained = false, check_permissions = true) ⇒ String?
Executes a particular command on the bot. Mostly useful for internal stuff, but one can never know.
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 213 def execute_command(name, event, arguments, chained = false, = true) debug("Executing command #{name} with arguments #{arguments}") return unless @commands command = @commands[name] command = command.aliased_command if command.is_a?(CommandAlias) return unless ! || channels?(, @attributes[:channels]) || (command && !command.attributes[:channels].nil?) unless command if @attributes[:command_doesnt_exist_message] = @attributes[:command_doesnt_exist_message] = .call(event) if .respond_to?(:call) event.respond .gsub('%command%', name.to_s) if end return end return unless ! || channels?(, command.attributes[:channels]) arguments = arg_check(arguments, command.attributes[:arg_types], event.server) if if ( && (event., command.attributes[:permission_level], event.server) && (event., command.attributes[:required_permissions], && required_roles?(event., command.attributes[:required_roles]) && allowed_roles?(event., command.attributes[:allowed_roles])) || ! event.command = command result =, arguments, chained, ) stringify(result) else event.respond command.attributes[:permission_message].gsub('%name%', name.to_s) if command.attributes[:permission_message] nil end rescue Discordrb::Errors::NoPermission event.respond @attributes[:no_permission_message] unless @attributes[:no_permission_message].nil? raise end |
#permission?(user, level, server) ⇒ true, false
Check if a user has permission to do something
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 362 def (user, level, server) determined_level = if user.webhook? || server.nil? 0 else user.roles.reduce(0) do |memo, role| [@permissions[:roles][] || 0, memo].max end end [@permissions[:users][] || 0, determined_level].max >= level end |
#remove_channel(channel) ⇒ Object
Remove a channel from the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
395 396 397 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 395 def remove_channel(channel) @attributes[:channels].delete_if { |c| channel.resolve_id == c.resolve_id } end |
#set_role_permission(id, level) ⇒ Object
Sets the permission level of a role - this applies to all users in the role
353 354 355 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 353 def (id, level) @permissions[:roles][id] = level end |
#set_user_permission(id, level) ⇒ Object
Sets the permission level of a user
346 347 348 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 346 def (id, level) @permissions[:users][id] = level end |
#simple_execute(chain, event) ⇒ String?
Executes a command in a simple manner, without command chains or permissions.
336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 336 def simple_execute(chain, event) return nil if chain.empty? args = chain.split(' ') execute_command(args[0].to_sym, event, args[1..]) end |
#update_channels(channels = []) ⇒ Object
Update the list of channels the bot accepts commands from.
381 382 383 |
# File 'lib/discordrb/commands/command_bot.rb', line 381 def update_channels(channels = []) @attributes[:channels] = Array(channels) end |